Monday, July 4, 2011

Opsview (and Nagios) with Twitter

I have written a post about integrating Twitter posts in Opsview here. With a few modifications, this can be adapted in Nagios also. The Opsview (or Nagios) notifications will be posted on a Twitter account. Interested (or uninterested) users (read "system admins") can subscribe to this account and keep themselves posted.

With iPhone and Android powered phones, keeping a check of your twitter account is super easy !

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


There are several reasons why a client might want to set binary logging on a per-session basis:
  • A session that makes many small changes to the database might want to use row-based logging.
  • A session that performs updates that match many rows in the WHERE clause might want to use statement-based logging because it will be more efficient to log a few statements than many rows.
  • Some statements require a lot of execution time on the master, but result in just a few rows being modified. It might therefore be beneficial to replicate them using row-based logging.
So it seems that ROW base logging will help on the queries which has more update having where clause and taking time on master. Because in "STATEMENT" log format statement is exactly copied as it is and stored in log and same statement is replicated on slave. but if "ROW" base logging enabled then only updated ROWS are stored in the logs and only those ROW's statements only executed on SLAVE. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fixing a Corrupt MySQL Relay Log

When there are network problems between the server, there was some issue where the master didn’t properly detect and notify the slave of the failure. This resulted in parts of queries missing, duplicated, or replaced by random bits in the relay log on the slave. When the slave tries to execute the corrupt query, it will likely generate an error that begins with:
Error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near . .
A work-around which forces the slave to re-request the binary log from the master. Run ‘SHOW SLAVE STATUS’ and make note of the Master_Log_File and Exec_Master_Log_Pos columns. Then run ‘STOP SLAVE’ to suspend replication, and run this SQL:
CHANGE MASTER TO master_log_file='',
After that, simply run ‘START SLAVE’ to have replication pick up from there again. That evidently has the slave re-request the rest of the master’s binary log, which it should (hopefully) get without becoming corrupt, and replication will continue as normal.
